The final presentation of the CaucaSusT project took place on Jan 27, 2021,online.The presentation can be downloaded here: APPEAR_CaucaSusT_presentation.
- Project Factsheets: produced with the help of the APPEAR programme, present brief information about the CaucaSusT project
Factsheet_EN Factsheet_AM Factsheet_GE
- The 1st CaucaSusT Newsletter 1 has been distributed to the partners and counterparts. CaucaSusT Project Newsletter1
- The 2nd CaucaSusT Newsletter can be found here: CaucaSusT Newsletter 2
The Manual for Lecturers on Developing and Implementing a Transdisciplinary Case Study Course
- The Manual, based on the experiences of the CaucaSusT partners, has been finished!
- The English version is available here: CaucaSusT Manual_Implementing a TD Case Study Course.
- The Armenian_Manual and Georgian_Manual versions have been produced. The electronic versions in Armenian and Georgian might still be updated.
Selected Dissemination Events:
- The CaucaSust project has been presented at many international conferences in 2019, including: International Transdisciplinary Conference 2019 (Gothenburg, Sweden); International Mountain Conference (Innsbruck, Austria); Transformations Conference (Santiago, Chile), and others.
- Caucasus Mountain Forum 2019
The Caucasus Mountain Forum 2019 took place in Ankara, Turkey, on 30 October – 2 November 2019. The CaucaSusT partners organized a workshop The role of universities in sustainable transformations in the Caucasus region during the Forum, with panelists from all 6 Caucasus counties.
More information on the Forum can be found on the website of the Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region. Some impressions from the event can be found on the Network Facebook page.
- ASPU coordinators and students presented CaucaSusT and their experience with the APPEAR programme in an annual Ecotourism Conference at the American University of Armenia on April 14, 2018.
- CaucaSusT has been presented at the meeting of the APPEAR project BOAA on 22 May 2018 at BOKU, in which Armenian participants from the Armenian National Agricultural University took part, as well as the CaucaSusT associated APPEAR PhD scholars.
- An article about the aims, challenges and the current activities of the project was written by the IMC FH Krems and edited by BOKU, and has been published in the next issue of the OEAD News magazine (page 32)
- CaucaSusT was presented in two radio interviews in German, organized by OEAD as part of the WELT im OHR series, contributing to the topics of academic partnerships and sustainable tourism in developing countries
- ASPU team took part in ERASMUS+ information days in Yerevan in Novemebr to find out about CaucaSusT follow-up opportunities
- A meeting with the Georgian and Austrian team of the APPEAR project ACCESS took place in Vienna at BOKU ILEN on November 27, 2017
- The ASPU CaucaSusT introduced the project at the 38-th Plenary Session of the UNWTO Affiliate Members, which took place in October 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia
- The ASPU team took part in the training seminar Simulation for a modern Community, and in the conference National policies of the implementation the European Landscape Convention, challenges and opportunities, where the CaucaSusT project has been presented
- The ASPU team presented the project poster at the international “EUROGEO”, the Netherlands, on 2-3 March 2017
- The IMC FH Krems team presented and integrated the project into the “Sustainability Day” at IMC FH Krems, an event organized by students from the master programme Sustainability Management, which is dedicated to different sustainability topics, including sustainable tourism.